We’re excited to announce that Tor.com is undergoing a redesign!
Our last shape-up was in 2011 and since then we’ve been thinking up ways to keep our content easier to find and better organized, regardless of whether you’re viewing the site on a computer or on a mobile device. Towards that end we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes and we’re nearly ready to launch a spiffier, improved Tor.com.
Now that Tor.com has a wonderful little beta version of our redesigned site up and running we’re calling upon our regular users and readers to do one very important thing: try and break it.
We’re looking for you to beta test / QA the redesigned site. Specifically, to browse and access the site as you normally do and note which features don’t appear to work, or which could use some polish.
This includes the mobile and tablet version of the new site! The redesigned Tor.com features a responsive design that will keep the site looking fit and normal on whatever size your device may be.
To take a sneak peek at our new look, and to help us make sure everything is working the way it’s supposed to, please email “[email protected]” with the subject line: “Beta testing.” We’ll send out the link along with instructions.
Onward, to the future!